
See also my Google Scholar Page.


⸺ SPIEGEL best seller list (48 weeks); best seller list of FOCUS / stern / Börsenblatt
⸺ Best Non-Fiction 2023 by DIE ZEIT / Deutschlandfunk Kultur and Welt / Neue Zürcher Zeitung

⸺ Prize “Best Political Book” 2024, Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Reviews see here

Journal Articles and Book Chapters


Other Publications

Data set

Mau, Steffen, Lux, Thomas, & Westheuser, Linus (2024). Survey Ungleichheit und Konflikt. GESIS, Köln. ZA8826 Datenfile Version 1.0.0,

Work in Progress

“Politicizing Work. Changing Rhetorical Paradigms in the Reinventions of European Social Democracy”. Working Paper. With Koen Damhuis, Susi Meret, and Paulus Wagner.

“Toward a Second Wave of Climate Social Policy.” Working Paper. With Michael Pahle, Simon Feindt, Laura Iozzelli and Antonia Schwarz.

“The Moral Economy of Fuel Prices.” Work in progress. With Till Hilmar.

“Four Arenas of Inequality Conflicts”. Under Review. With Steffen Mau and Thomas Lux.

“Theorizing Cleavage Identities: The Contribution of Cultural Sociology”. Conditionally Accepted at European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology. Preprint: [LINK