Moral Economy: Zur (De-)Legitimierung von Ungleichheit (On the (De-)Legitimation of Inequality)

Syllabus: Here

Advanced MA Level Course (32 teaching hours), Humboldt University Berlin, Winter Semester 2023/24.

Description: “Those who put in more should also have more”. “When times are tough, I help my own people first.” Ideas of justice, deservingness, reciprocity and legitimate differences are central to everyday reasoning. The course explores how everyday moral theories work, how they underpin unequal relations and how they can simultaneously lay the foundations for critique. We look at empirical studies on voting behavior, class consciousness, gender relations and attitudes towards migration and the welfare state.

Konflikt und Polarisierung in der Gegenwartsgesellschaft: Qualitative Herangehensweisen (Conflict and Polarization in Contemporary Societies: Qualitative Approaches)

BA and MA Level Teaching Module on using qualitative methods to study political conflicts and phenomena of polarization (28 teaching hours), main instructors: Thomas Lux, Vincent August. Humboldt University Berlin, Summer Semesters 2022, 2023, 2024.

Klassiker der soziologischen Theorie (Classics of Sociological Theory)

BA Level Seminar (30 teaching hours), University of Potsdam, Winter Semester 2018/19.